With news of only 2 cities in North America submitting bids for a new NHL team, many were left scratching their heads. Granted, we all know Las Vegas and Canada have been itching for a team, but many thought other cities, *cough cough Seattle* would have placed a bid. So, now it stands that Las Vegas and Quebec City are on the verge of being approved to get new hockey teams. And a lot of people are shocked by this, yet we all knew it was coming! Las Vegas Arena is set to be open in March of 2016 and Quebec City’s new arena set to open in September, it’s obvious that they’re ready right now. The problem with Seattle is that they still need to find a spot to build and open an indoor arena. The real question now is, is this a good thing for the NHL?
You can look at this on either the positive or the negative side. Positive: More teams, which means more players entering the NHL, more growth in the sport, more money coming in, more games on bigger TV markets. New people will get to experience the captivating pull of having a professional ice hockey team right in their hometown. They’ll get to experience the atmosphere and hopefully fall in love with the sport. Fresh faces and new talent with the potential to grow into something great.
The negative? Teams are spread too thin, people don’t attend games or buy merchandise, they don’t do well on TV ratings. To me, I think it’s better than relocation and it gives the sport a chance to grow. And for team names, Las Vegas Scorchers and the Quebec City Storm.
Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Tweet me: @AGinBuffalo