Both of the following links, either in text or spoken word, say some things that we can’t say on the radio. Here’s to the wild west of the internet, though consider this your warning.
Pedro Martinez was among the newest class of inductees into the Baseball Hall of Fame. In his class, I think it’s safe to say Pedro had the biggest personality. (click HERE for a fun little interview anecdote that shows a glimpse of that personality.)
Quick lesson of the day: don’t challenge a UFC fighter to a fight. Even if his claim to fame is fake fighting. Even if no punches are thrown, you can still get talked out of the building by the best in the world. Click HERE to see the incident.
Speaking of toning things down, LeSean McCoy backtracked a little bit on that creepy party he was set to have. Even so, his new idea (see his explanation HERE) still sounds like a good time.
I haven’t had a big enough sports achievement to know what I’d do with a big-time trophy, especially one for the Tour de France, but I get the feeling I’d just be silly with it like green jersey HERE was.