No more caption is needed, just see the image HERE.
Richie Shaffer, a rookie for teh Tampa Bay Rays, hit his first career home run last night. The celebration involved a bit of rookie hazing. It seems cruel at first, but if you watch it HERE closely, right at the end, everything ends up okay for the kid.
What do you do if it’s your last week ever in the office? One particular fellow, only going by “Jake H” on YouTube, made the most of his post-layoff days. After finding out he would be among office layoffs, he spent his final days rehearsing some classic office dunks, and compiled them all together in a video HERE. I mean, I did hear they were making Space Jam 2…
And finally… 50 Cent, you are forgiven for your awful first pitch. Happens to the best sometimes, as you see HERE.
Our regular Bills training camp reporter, Mark Ludwiczak, is admitted to be a big wrestling fan, specifically of one Seth Rollins. (Sidebar: if you don’t think wrestlers are athletes, look at Rollins’ workout routine HERE. Then come back here and talk to me. Watch THIS too). It got to the point where we’re using Rollins’ theme music to intro Ludwiczak’s segments. It’s actually pretty hardcore “pump-you-up” music for the gym, so I’ll make it the hipster song for today. Click HERE, and remember kids, don’t skip leg day.
Thoughts? Comments? Slamming? Jamming? Want to suggest a song? Hit me up on Twitter @linkbuffalo