Link’s Blog 8/10/15


If you get frustrated with your team to the point of switching, I’m okay with that. If you despise the corrupt nature of the league your team is in and don’t want to support them financially, that’s fine. If you hop on a bandwagon for the playoffs, I’ll happily join you. No matter how you support, how you cheer, all that matters is that you do it.

Just as long as you’re not THIS guy.

The gif you will see if you click HERE is unedited and real. Actual, professional baseball players in a real game.

Not to dwell so much on the misfortune of others all in one blog post, but we’ll wrap LBL at the expense of James Harden, as you see HERE. (Very loud- headphone warning)


In honor of every single NFL team being so crazily optimistic about every one of their potential seasons, today’s hipster song is “Optimistic” by Radiohead