AG Blog 8-18


I understand what James Harrison was talking about when he said he was going to take away his sons participation trophies until they show they earn then. I mean look at this picture of a trophy above, I googled “participation trophy” and this was one of the top results that showed up. These trophies literally serve no purpose than to collect dust and to make kids feel good about themselves. I have a box of these trophies sitting in my basement from when I played softball, and I’m sure you reading this have some lying around too. After Harrison made it public he stripped his kids of those trophies, it got a lot of people talking. Too harsh? Makes sense? Why? Who cares?

Overall, I feel that young kids should get them; yet, Harrisons kids are 6 and 8, that’s the perfect age! They’re still learning and it makes them all feel included because everyone gets one. If your kid is at the age of being able to be on travel teams, then the trophies have to go. Even in house leagues then, scratch them. The only thing these kids need is just support from their parents, a hug at the end of the game and a “good job.” That’s what means the most, even when you played your worst, your parents are still there to show you that they’re proud.

How do you think Harrisons kids are feeling right now? I bet they might feel a little bit of shame because they know they didn’t do well enough. The fact that their dad, Superbowl Champ, team MVP, took the trophies away to show them they need to earn it, kind of harsh. Hopefully, his kids realize why he did this and how he wants them to be the best they can be, on and off the field.

It’s a tough call, where do you stand? Tweet me: @AGinBuffalo