I have a few select favorite things in sports. They’re usually quirky, rare, and tough to predict. Goalie Fights are one, but obviously it’s not hockey season yet so I can’t really celebrate them with no reason to.
Elvis Andrus stole home plate last night. Watch the video and celebrate its rarity (and Quackenbush’s obliviousness) with me.
I don’t know exactly what’s going on in this video. By my best guess, Shaq is pulling a Billy Madison and going back to school- in South Korea.
College football season is here. Every team is excited, but I think in particular Nebraska is thrilled to have a new mascot…
I don’t golf, but if I did, I have an idea of what it might look like.
There’s the term “hockey tough”, then there’s “rugby tough”. Check this out, if you dare- a rugby player pops his shoulder back into place mid-play.
Paul Simon covering “Here Comes The Sun”
Thoughts? Comments? Want to suggest a song? Hit me up on Twitter @linkbuffalo