Today on this packed Thursday Bucky & Sully Show brought you ALL around the sports landscape in our “Headlines”! Obviously we discussed the Super Bowl which saw the New England Patriots win their 6th Super Bowl in the Brady-Belichick Era and some more of the celebration coming out of New England.
Today is the NBA trade deadline and we are expecting some big moves – just not anything from the Pelicans going to the Lakers…so we think. We kept you up to date on the wire up until noon and got some opinion and discussion in there as well.
With the MLB set to kick off we hit on some of the rumors swirling about Manny Machado and Bryce Harper! We got opinions and some speculation from the guys.
We also had a chance to talk with Michael Smith of NHL.Canes.Com and he helped us breakdown the upcoming matchup between the Sabres and Carolina here in Buffalo tonight.
Local college hoops on the docket this weekend include UB and Bona and the guys made sure to get into that and break down some of those games as well.
Don’t forget about the poll! We tend to! Updates on said poll happened throughout.
What else was on our minds? We let you know as we got a ‘Sports Hit’ and some reaction from the guys on the stories.
Obviously at the top of our second hour we got a very assertive Bucky featured in his daily spot BUCK UP! Then, in our third hour, to kick it off, Jerry was extra-super salty in his SALTY SULLY!
Our THERMOSTATS were peppered throughout the show and we satisfied the waiting ears with some very tantalizing stats regarding what the guys feel are OUT OF THIS (SPORTS) WORLD! Back TOMORROW at 9!
We also were joined by Tommy Deas of the Tennessean, who wrote an article we spoke of last week regarding a Nashville businessman and his ambition to build or bring a baseball to the state and city.
We also heard, as we do every day, the guys SHOUTOUTS and acknowledgments to some great sports stories.
HOUR 1:OPEN, POLL, talking Sabres, NBA trade deadline and ThermoSTATS.
HOUR 2: BUCK UP! Did infact take place! We were joined by Michael Smith of NHL and more on NBA trades. Headlines!
HOUR 3: SALTY SULLY, very very Salty, he kicked off the hour. Poll wrap up, Tommy Deas ,SHOUTOTUS closed out the show!