Today on this packed Jerry Sullivan Show we brought you ALL around the sports landscape in our “Headlines”! Touching all around the NHL, NBA, NFL offseason and more!
We had our buddy from the AP covering all things Buffalo Bills and Sabres, John Wawrow! He joins us every Tuesday morning and we got into everything Buffalo sports and some of his opinions on the goings on here!
We also were joined by Joe Buscaglia Mr. Buffalo Bills Twitter! He of course from Channel 7 WKBW had a lot of opinion and break down of the entire seven rounds of the draft from a Bills perspective. Joe is always great and is ontop of the Bills coverage like no one else!
Our friend and frequent guest Dave Hyde of the Miami Sun Sentinnel called in to talk Josh Rosen trade to Miami as well as wrap up the draft from a different perspective! He is a 15 time TOP TEN AP national sportswriter and an absolutely terrific guest!
Josh Tolentino of the Athletic Tampa Bay called in to discuss the Rays dominant start to the season and we also talked about the chances they can win the division with the Red Sox reeling and the Yankees still fighting to make it back to relevance…for now.
Bob Ryan, longtime Boston based journalist and columnist and 4x National Sports Writer of the Year called in as well to talk some NBA and reminisce on the death of the great Celtic John Havlicek, whom he covered for many, many years.
Finally we had our friend from Colorado and the Denver Post Sports, a multi time award winner for national jounralism Mark Kiszla came by late in the show to talk about the surging Denver squads! Both the Avalanche and the Nuggets look to answer the call to make history in their respective leagues’ post-seasons!
We also had the phone lines open and buzzing, taking calls and comments on many of these very inviting topics. All we ask is that you BRING IT!!!!!!! Our ‘Sports Update” also kept us up to date as far as locally and nationally.
Don’t forget about the poll! We tend to! Updates on said poll happened throughout. When we wrapped it up, the results were shocking, to say the least. Be sure to vote every day and retweet to spread the show!
Obviously at the top of our second hour Jerry was extra-super salty in his SALTY SULLY! Then in our third hour, to kick it off!
Our THERMOSTATS were peppered throughout the show and we satisfied the waiting ears with some very tantalizing stats regarding what the guys feel are OUT OF THIS (SPORTS) WORLD! Back TOMORROW at 9!
We also heard, as we do every day, the guys SHOUTOUTS and acknowledgments to some great sports stories.
HOUR 1:The COLUMN, Open, POLL, John Wawrow, Bills with Joe B, ThermoSTATS.
HOUR 2: Bob Ryan on Celticv Great Havlicek, Dave Hyde, Josh Tolentino MLB
HOUR 3: SALTY SULLY, very very Salty. HEADLINES! WRAPUP! Mark Kiszla, SHOUTOTUS closed out the show!