PODCAST: The Jerry Sullivan Show_050619

Today on this packed Jerry Sullivan Show we brought you ALL around the sports landscape in our “Headlines”! Touching all around the NHL, NBA, NFL offseason and more!

We had our buddy Glen Macnow, WIP Radio host in Philadelphia on to talk about all the things happening for the Philly teams! From the Phillies to the Eagles offseason and the now surging 76ers in the NBA Semi-Finals, there was plenty to talk about and ask him to get into and it was a lot of fun!


We also were joined by Paul Peck, Voice of UB Buffalo Bulls Football and co founder of the Buffalo Sports Page. He stops by every now and then to check in and bounce ideas and thoughts back and forth with Jerry since he is as wired in and knowledgeable as anyone in Buffalo sports.


We had Nick Filipowski return…with a FULL VOICE! He usually joins us at some point every week and we love having him, from Channel 4, because he such a great wealth of analysis and opinion on all the Buffalo sports teams, franchises and events!


DailyRacingBlog.com’s Mike Kelly Calls Talk Derby!talking about the drama from Saturdays big race that was very controversial and hard to understand. He broke it down for us.


Barry Wilner, national NFL writer for the AP called in aftr a while to check in with old buddy Jerry and let us know his thoughts on how the draft played out both around the league and for your Buffalo Bills. He is a true legendary veteran and he always has some great stories and things to discuss when he stops by!


Our friend and weekly guest Sal Maiorana stopped by late in the show and helped us get some more perspective on the happenings and news from the Buffalo Bills both down at One Bills Drive and throughout training camp. We love his Rochester prospective because he is wired in, and wires-in the Rochester D&C with his work.


We also had the phone lines open and buzzing, taking calls and comments on many of these very inviting topics. All we ask is that you BRING IT!!!!!!! Our ‘Sports Update” also kept us up to date as far as locally and nationally.

Don’t forget about the poll! We tend to! Updates on said poll happened throughout. When we wrapped it up, the results were shocking, to say the least. Be sure to vote every day and retweet to spread the show!

Obviously Jerry was extra-super salty in his SALTY SULLY!

Our THERMOSTATS were peppered throughout the show and we satisfied the waiting ears with some very tantalizing stats regarding what the guys feel are OUT OF THIS (SPORTS) WORLD! Back TOMORROW at 9!

We also heard, as we do every day, the guys SHOUTOUTS and acknowledgments to some great sports stories.



HOUR 1: The COLUMN, Open, POLL, Glen Macnow in Philly, Paul Peck on Sabres/Bills/UB, ThermoSTATS.

HOUR 2: SALTY SULLY- very Salty. Nick Fillipowski, Mike Kelly on Derby Drama, Barry Wilner!

HOUR 3: THE COLUMN, Sal Maiorana, HEADLINES! WRAPUP! SHOUTOTUS closed out the show!
