Today on this packed Monday Bucky & Sully Show brought you ALL around the sports landscape in our “Headlines”!
We had Joe Marino of the Draft Network! He came in to breakdown some early draft stuff regarding the Bills and the NFL in general. We got a chance to ask him about Kyler Murray and his decision to enter the NFL draft after being drafted by the MLB. What does this mean for the QB draft class and how does this shake up a teams strategy with a new name and a high pick destined for an NFL squad.
We also had a chance to talk with our weekly guest and good buddy Sal Maiorana of the Rochester D&C! He came in to talk Sabres losing woes as well as some of the offseason happenings surrounding the Bills. We broke down the Sabres games over the weekend with him and discussed what needs to happen in order for them to turn it around and up QUICK in order to make a push for the playoffs. Or should they set up for next year and TRADE SKINNER? We asked Sal!
Don’t forget about the poll! We tend to! Updates on said poll happened throughout.
What else was on our minds? We let you know as we got a ‘Sports Hit’ and some reaction from the guys on the stories. MLB was also on our minds as pitchers and catchers begin to show up starting next week!
Obviously at the top of our second hour we got a very assertive Bucky featured in his daily spot BUCK UP! Then, in our third hour, to kick it off, Jerry was extra-super salty in his SALTY SULLY!
Our THERMOSTATS were peppered throughout the show and we satisfied the waiting ears with some very tantalizing stats regarding what the guys feel are OUT OF THIS (SPORTS) WORLD! Back TOMORROW at 9!
We also heard, as we do every day, the guys SHOUTOUTS and acknowledgments to some great sports stories.
HOUR 1:OPEN, POLL, talking to Mark Schmidt, and Joe Marino! ThermoSTATS.
HOUR 2: BUCK UP! Did infact take place! Also had Sal Maiorana !
HOUR 3: SALTY SULLY, very very Salty, he kicked off the hour. Poll wrap up, ,SHOUTOTUS closed out the show!