Today on this packed Tuesday Bucky & Sully Show brought you ALL around the sports landscape in our “Headlines”! Touching all around the NHL, NBA, NFL offseason and more!
Nancy Shea of Graceful Warrior Yoga joined us by phone to talk her newest endeavor in Yoga and brining it even more into the Buffalo area! She was great and helped us grill Jerry about his yoga skills and teach us alittle something not a lot of people are keen on.
Today after the Sabres/Oilers matchup last night, we were joined by Jim Matheson of the Edmonton Journal! He covers all things Oilers and helped us breakdown the game last night, the one Jerry was at!
As we also prepared for the end of the NFL Combine, we wrapped up some of the highlights from it including players, questions, coaches, GM’s and interviews that came out of it. We reacted to all of it.
Finally we were joined by Tom Stanton, Author of several Baseball History books such as ‘Ty and The Babe’, ‘Terror In The City Of Champions’, ‘The Road To Cooperstown’ and many more! He talked about his work through the years and told us what it took and the amount of time and effort he put into researching and learning about these epic tales of Americas Past Time.
We also had the phone lines open and buzzing, taking calls and comments on many of these very inviting topics. All we ask is that you BRING IT!!!!!!! Our ‘Sports Update” also kept us up to date as far as locally and nationally.
Don’t forget about the poll! We tend to! Updates on said poll happened throughout. When we wrapped it up, the results were shocking, to say the least. Be sure to vote everyday and retweet to spread the show!
Obviously at the top of our second hour we got a very assertive Bucky featured in his daily spot BUCK UP! Then, in our third hour, to kick it off, Jerry was extra-super salty in his SALTY SULLY!
Our THERMOSTATS were peppered throughout the show and we satisfied the waiting ears with some very tantalizing stats regarding what the guys feel are OUT OF THIS (SPORTS) WORLD! Back TOMORROW at 9!
We also heard, as we do every day, the guys SHOUTOUTS and acknowledgments to some great sports stories.
HOUR 1:OPEN, JIm Matheson, Sabres Lose, POLL, Nancy Shea, ThermoSTATS.
HOUR 2: SALTY SULLY, very very Salty, he kicked off the hour. HEADLINES! Tom Stanton.
HOUR 3: BUCK UP! Did infact take place!. Poll wrap up, Sabres, UB, NBA, MLB ,SHOUTOTUS closed out the show!